Juliana Interior

Juliana Interior is an international interior design studio in Belarus, Poland, Russia, and Arabic Emirates. It’s known by the name of its founder and chief designer – Juliana Saidakova. She implements complex projects for residential and commercial clients with the team.

Our tasks were to help Juliana and her team build brand awareness and develop main instruments for further promotion, such as a corporate website and social media marketing presence.

Main features of Juliana Interior Website:

  • Custom request form
  • SEO-optimized original articles
  • Professional photos (special photo shoot)
  • Multilingual Pages (English and Polish)
  • Easy to use CMS WP Bakery

Main features of Juliana Interior SMM:

  • Multiple design options
  • Custom design of promo posts, reels, and stories
  • Professional photos (special photo shoot)
  • Clients:
    Juliana Saidakova
  • Category:
    ContentSMMWeb DesignWebsite Development
  • Date:
    1 October, 2022